Sunday, January 17, 2010

Another week...

Well, here we are somewhere around the beginning of week 15. According to the Mayo Clinic this is the week when the peanut begins to grow hair, like eyebrows, pretty cool. I'm feeling pretty good this week, just tired and I've been getting mid-back aches at night. I pretty much can't sleep for more than 6 hours before I wake up. I'm sleeping with extra pillows but it still hurts, so if you have any ideas...please pass them along.

I wanted to answer Cindy's question about food. It seems like the pregnancy diet is more about what I'm not eating. I avoid the usual no-no foods, sushi, hot dogs, alcohol, coffee as well as my own personal ones, chicken and potatoes. I am trying to drink more milk and eat a balanced diet even when nothing really sounds good.

I still haven't managed to take any new belly photos...I promise next week I will! But I do have the ultra sound photos as previously promised!

Here's the classic photo:

And here is one capturing the acrobatics we saw that day:

I love this one... check out those gams!

The family came over this weekend to start brainstorming plans for our backroom which we are turning into the nursery. We also found out that Daniel's parents' neighbor's daughter has a bunch of baby things that she is willing to give or sell to us. There is the baby carseat that Daniel's grandparents gave to her when her son was born and a changing table, diaper pail, and baby gym. With the dresser that was mine in high school it means that we will have spent $100 on furniture for the nursery...I'm feeling pretty good about our frugality. It also means I have more money to spend on decorating!

I think that's all for this week...I'll take some tummy photos for posting next week.



  1. OMG!! You can see its little body already!!!! So cool!! I'm sorry about your back though. I guess you can't really pop any painkillers...right? Maybe Tylenol is safe? Can you take anything? Hope you can start sleeping better soon!

  2. Super excited! my vote for now is: Baby Devo :) but i suppose i should wait until things get clarified hehe

    meh, boy or girl, i'm calling him/her Baby Devo!

  3. yahoo for an update! little peanut, you are looking mighty fine and strong in there. way to go!

  4. Hi Eliza & Devo!
    Wow, many congrats! I heard the news from the two Matts. It's been a while since we've been prego but feel free to email me with any questions! As for getting sleep, try a wedge or pillow between your knees. By the end of it I think I was surrounded by no less than 7 pillows.
    So happy for you!
    Becky & Andy too
