Thursday, January 7, 2010


I think it is fitting to start this blog the same week I threw up for the first time during this pregnancy, entered into the final week of the first trimester, and discovered that my favorite jeans no longer button (thank goodness for the genius of the bella band). Oh yeah, and we also had our first ultra sound appointment!!
The ultra sound meant more than I thought it would. It seems weird to say, but it really did feel more real once that little profile popped up on the screen. What I didn't know was that, at this stage, the fetus can be really active. Our little peanut was kicking and punching and arching its and weird all at the same time. Daniel made a crack about how it wants to go running already (hell yeah!). In my mind I had the classic image of the curled up baby with a fuzzy outline not a thrashing shrimp! But the ultra sound tech wasn't phased and actually mentioned how it's great when they move around because it makes taking all the measurements easier. We have two images which I plan to scan this weekend and post (I promise!).
I know that I'm not really showing yet, but I am getting a pot belly, and for those who know me that's not usually the situation. It's cool, because I know that it has a purpose, and frustrating all at the same time. Here's a lovely picture of last week's bump:

And a closeup:

I do think that my nausea is passing since now I only feel ill when I haven't eaten for a few hours. So, I suppose my job now is to relax and gain weight :)

I have nothing to complain about and feel very, very lucky.


  1. how much weight are you supposed to gain? has your diet changed at all- are you supposed to eat extras of certain foods that are high in good things for you and the peanut?

    i can't wait to see the ultrasound pictures! i hear they can get quite detailed and awesome looking. hoorah!

  2. Wonderful idea for a blog! I look forward to reading more! Congratulations!
