Saturday, March 27, 2010

San Francisco Treats

I just got back from spending 5 lovely days in the bay area visiting my college darlings. It was so nice to get away and just kick back and relax. The peanut traveled just fine (as far as I can tell). During the trip I got to hear my Aunt Barbara sing with the San Francisco Bach choir which was lovely. I think peanut liked it too because she spent the entire concert dancing around. It was so cool, she wasn't kicking she was just moving around, "dancing" we if she was doing an interpretive dance. It was great!

I got some cute baby clothes from the girls as well...I can't wait to see them on a chubby little baby.

Thank you to Urmi, Christine, Vivi, and Maggie for a wonderful time! Aunt Lea and Ealish too :)

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