Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Now I am Huge!

Okay, it's been a ridiculously long time since I have posted. I'm sorry about that.

Things have been going well, I'm feeling good, the baby seems to have a healthy heart beat and is head down!! Woo hoo!

I am, however, huge!!

There has been nothing but increased movement in the past month, which is awesome...really. I think that because my placenta (or should I say the baby's placenta) is posterior and thus protecting my internal organs from any jabs and kicks directed toward the kidneys.

We have also almost finished the baby's room!! Stina and Daniel did a great job painting the trees and we bought a rug and set up the crib I purchased off of craigslist back in November (!!!). Daniel's parents graciously donated two bookcases, my friend Julie hooked us up with a rocking chair and we're getting a changing table from a family friend. I love all of the sharing that goes on with these baby rooms...it's so nice :)

So, the countdown to birthing day begins...Daniel and I are finally taking a tour of the birthing center on Thursday, we just hope the baby waits until after to arrive. I find that I am still not scared of the actual birthing process. I know it will hurt and be uncomfortable but it's finite... I'm more nervous about what happens after, when we are responsible for a little human. Yikes!

Anyway, I don't know if I will get around to posting again before the day of birth (we'll see, and I will definitely post after!!) but it's been a good pregnancy, I'm still really ready to not be pregnant any more.



  1. gorgeous room - now all you need is the baby! i can't WAIT to meet her :) and, ps - you are not huge - just your belly, but it will be small again soon...i'm SO excited for you!!

  2. it's a whole new room and it's gorgeous!!! giraffe fits right into the color scheme, phew. :)

    can't wait to meet you, peanut! i love you, mama eliza!

  3. AAHHHH!!! The nursery is sooooo cute!!! I can't wait to see it in person! And you too obviously!

  4. If this whole baby thing doesn't work out. I'll live there, okay?
    Just kidding! I can't wait to visit the wee one in their awesome pad!
